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  • Writer's pictureKristin Naylor

39 weeks

39 weeks. 39 weeks is the time we had with you, and today, its also the time we have been without you. 273 days. We are without you here in our arms, but we are not really without you, sweet girl. You are here in every moment, in the waking and the going to sleep, in the everyday things like pouring milk and walking the dog, and in the celebrations like birthdays and holidays. I miss you

. As we visited your tree the other day I was caught off guard by the tiny beautiful green buds sprouting at the branches. Your tree, all through the winter looked so lifeless and lonely, now is full of growing blossoms. It took my breath away to see new life when I thought about you! I almost giggled to myself. And isn't that the case? Even through the longest winter, spring eventually comes. Right now, the flowering trees are boasting of spring with their obnoxiously gorgeous blossoms as if to say "you thought there was not life in us, ha ha! Look at my beauty, here I am!" Some days deep in my soul I can almost see the buds of new life --- today, it is enough to believe in the promise that one day there will be fresh beautiful blossoms again in my life, too. New, green, beautiful life.

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