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  • Writer's pictureKristin Naylor

Sharing You

Updated: Oct 25, 2019

A few weeks ago, sweet girl, your Daddy and I got to share our story at a perinatal bereavement training at Lankeneau Hospital. I've gotten quite comfortable telling our story, I can share details without tapping in to the emotion of it all. But, I probably should have been more prepared that sharing in front of the people who deal with families like us would come with plenty more emotion. And it doesn't matter -- I don't mind showing my tears, but it does tear at the wound and make it harder to express myself clearly. Our listeners cried along with us.

What an honor it was for these nurses, social workers, chaplains to get to know you. We shared the details of our story, the positives and negatives of our experience in the hospital and shortly afterwards and what our life is like now as a stillbirth family. There was such compassion in their eyes as they listened; they asked wonderful questions.


My passion to see things changed in the stillbirth community is growing and growing. I am praying that our story will be used to shed light on this tragedy. How? When? I'm not sure of the way ahead ---- but, I once traveled to Africa and starting drilling wells. I once became a professional ballerina. I'm not afraid of daunting things. With God on our side, we shall not fail.

Afterwards, they came forward and hugged us and looked at your beautiful photos.  They held our Abby Bear, they had just covered that in their training. They told us that in nine years of bereavement training they had never had a father share. I was so proud of your Daddy.  We received a nice thank you card in the mail, a few replied....

"I will never forget Abby. Despite 41 years of nursing I never met a family that taught me so much in an hour." - Kate

"Truly, thank you for sharing your story for all of us to learn how we can help other families during this difficult time. You have changed my life and I am a better care provider for it. However, most important I feel honored to have met you and Abby's life will always be a piece of me as well."  - Annmarie

"Thank you so much for sharing your story of Abby. You made so many good points and there are so many opportunities for us to do better. I took lots of notes and will be sharing them with other nurses." - Allison  

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