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  • Writer's pictureKristin Naylor

Six months without you

I'm going to keep telling your story baby girl. Your life mattered to me and your life mattered to a lot of people, as some good friends reminded us last night. . I'm still near the bottom of this giant mountain of grief, but I have learned a lot in the 6 months since we said hello and goodbye. The other day I wrote about how the world is a cruel place for a griever. From this side of what I hope is the worst day of my life, "I see a world that desperately does not know what to do with death and grief. We have no idea how to process death when it touches our own life and no idea of how to help someone close to us when it touches theirs. How can this be? Death is a part of life, none of us get a free pass. Pain and loss will invade our lives, they are not optional. Yet, the world says to the griever, “here’s a mask. Wear this. Your pain is too much for me. When I ask ‘how are you,’ answer me ‘fine,’ and let’s go on pretending like you meant it.” . I don't like masks, little love, and I'm working hard to be authentic and open with my grief. I'm gonna keep telling your story, sweet girl, so the world can maybe be less cruel to the next mama living without her baby. Oh, how I long for a culture that understands, truly, how to sit with those who are in pain. . I love you, Abby.

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